
Showing posts from June, 2017

Manage Your Diabetes via Healthginie

Manage Your Diabetes How to Manage Diabetes During Ramazan?  It can be challenging to manage Diabetes during Ramazan especially if you are fasting. During the fast, 8 hours after the last meal, the human body starts using the energy stored inside to keep the Blood Sugar Level normal. This is totally normal for most people, but in case you are Diabetic, your body will not be able to use the glucose as it should. If you are already taking some tablets or Insulin, you are at the risk of developing Low Blood Glucose Level. That’s why when people with Diabetes fast, they often have to rush to the doctor. This is not the only risk. If you eat large meals at Sehar and Iftar, you are at the risk of developing high blood sugar level. This can lead to both long-term and short-term health problems. So does that mean a person with Diabetes cannot fast at all? That’s not necessary. Firstly, it is recommended to talk to your doctor before fasting. Secondly, to fast safely, you m...

What is Heartburn and How to Treat it?

Heartburn Heart burn is one of the most common health conditions. It happens when the stomach contents are forced to move towards Esophagus (a tube that connects the mouth with the stomach), causing a burning pain in the lower chest. Causes of Heartburn? Heartburn is seen in people of all ages. It mostly happens because of the lifestyle factor. It typically occurs when you eat a large meal and lie down.  Other than this, laying down right after eating, wearing tight clothes, eating close to bedtime, eating too fast, and exercising right after eating can also cause heartburn. Here is a checklist of the common foods that trigger heartburn: ü   Garlic ü   Onions ü   Vinegar ü   Coffee ü   Tomatoes ü   Citrus fruits ü   Muster, pepper, and spices ü   Peppermint ü   Fried food These foods can make your heartburn symptoms worse. Instead of consuming 3 large meals, it is recommended to break them. What does it...

What Signs Indicate That You May Be Dehydrated?

Image 75% of the human body is made up of water. Most of the water is found in the body cells while some of the water is found in blood vessels and the space between the cells. Dehydration happens when the amount of water that leaves the body is greater than the amount of water consumed. It is normal for the human body to lose water routinely. Here is how this happens usually: ·          Sweating for cooling the body ·          Urination and bowel movement ·          When humidified air leaves the body Apart from these normal ways, we also lose 1.5 to 1.8 litres of water daily from the skin to keep it normal and this insensible loss is other than sweating. Watch Out For The Symptoms! The situation can get alarming if you start seeing the following symptoms: ·          Feeling dizzy and lighthea...