Alzheimer’s Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that can influence the ability of a person to think clearly, hinder their everyday performance and make them forget who they are. The disease causes the brain cells to deteriorate. When the body attempts to stop this process, it produces a protein called amyloid which starts depositing build ups in the brain. This further deteriorates the working of the brain. There is no known cause of the disease but according to some researchers, it is believed that the genetic factors and some environmental factors trigger an abnormal biological process in the brain.

The identified risk factors which can trigger the development of this condition include:
History of head injury
Insulin resistance
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Family history of Alzheimer’s disease
Increasing age


The symptoms may be mild in the beginning, but they may become worse as the disease reaches its progressive stages.

Mild forgetfulness
Irritability and anxiety
Difficulty in learning new things and processing new information
Difficulty in communicating
Confusion about the place and time
Difficulty with reading and writing
Personality changes
Inability of understanding or using speech
Inability of recognizing the family members
Increasing immobility and sleep time


There is no single test for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease. Generally, medical and psychiatric history of the patient is assessed. The tests performed for the conclusive diagnosis of the disease include:
Blood test
Urine test
Brain scan
Neurological and physical examination
Assessment of the mental status for determining the level of mental deterioration  
Other than these tests, an interview of the caregiver is taken too for determining the dependency level of the patient.

Remedies that can help degenerate Alzheimer’s

Researchers have found that there are some remedies which help you prevent the development and slowly degenerate the process. Let’s have a look at what they are:
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Initially, it was believed that Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease, but later it was found that it can also be protective against Alzheimer’s disease. Omega-3 Fatty Acids belong to the class of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are found in the nerve cells of the brain. They have anti-inflammatory properties that play a protective role against cognitive impairment.
Turmeric is protective against heart diseases and other types of cancers. The pigment curcumin in turmeric is an antioxidant which has the ability to prevent clumping of beta amyloids in the brain. Adding turmeric to your diet can slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Folic acid supplements
Whether it is in the form of a supplement or food, folic acid can be great for the brain and its working. High-level homocysteine can be associated with a poor cognitive function. With folic acid, the homocysteine can be reduced, hence increasing the cognitive function.

Treatment for Alzheimer

The treatment of Alzheimer’s disease typically depends on how well the symptoms are managed and how much support the patient gets from his/her family. For more information on the treatment, you need to see a neurologist, Psychiatrists, and psychologist.
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